Summer day camp for boys and girls who have completed K through 5th grade – sign up for one week or all summer May 25 through August 14, except for June 1-5th (week of Sports Camp) activities, swimming, fishing, field trips – campers need to bring sack lunch daily that does not require refrigeration or…
UHBC Vacation Bible School for kids up to 6th grade July 19-24 from 6 – 8:30pm.
Mary Watson will share messages on “Rest.” Women of all ages are welcome. Overnight stay is encouraged but optional. At Covenant Point Camp from 5pm June 5 – 2pm June 6. Sign up by the church office.
For ages 8-12 boys and girls, beginning or experienced athletes with an interest in learning fundamentals of various sports choose 3 sports from : softball/baseball, basketball, soccer, cheerleading, volleyball early registration $75 – after May 1 – $85 UHBC partners with Sports Crusaders – your child will be coached by Christians with collegiate level skill Please…
Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday, May 31st 6pm
RA-GA-Mission Friends banquet at 6pm in the fellowship hall
We will meet in the fellowship hall May 2 at 1pm to bag cookies prepared by volunteers (sign-up sheet by the office) for giveaway May 3 as teams go door to door.
UHBC is hosting a free ladies luncheon to honor mothers. All women are invited to join us in the fellowship hall April 25th from 11am to 1pm.
Free Clothing – our gym will be filled with donated clothing in all sizes. Come choose whatever you can use.
Youth trip to Dare to Share in St. Louis April 17-18. See Brother LP for details and registration.