We will have a special called business Meeting Sunday, October 21st at 6pm to vote on the Deacon recommendation to become the Sending Church for Summit Community Church.
Youth evangelism event for Mid Missouri
We will meet over lunch October 7th to discuss the UHBC mission trip to Guatemala March 23-30. See you in the fellowship hall after morning services.
Evangelist Robert Strong in Revival this upcoming week at Union Hill Baptist Church in Holts Summit. Sunday, September 30th thru Wednesday, October 3rd.
Fish Fry 6pm followed by prayer for revival at 7pm Church is providing fish and variety of drinks. Bring sides, salads, desserts…..
Worship, fellowship, giveaways, and more! Breakout devotionals with games and activities! for girls 6-12th grade $10 covers lunch and t-shirt register here!
Pick up a bottle in the foyer and collect money until Father’s Day to help the Faith Maternity! (This is part of Grand Crossings Baptist Association)